My first zodiac cruise in Antarctica. Calm winds and calm sea. Thanked heavens for perfect conditions as cruising would not have been possible in bad weather.
My zodiac zipped through water then slowed down near icebergs to let us feel closely the sheer size of icebergs. Everyone sitting in zodiac was ecstatic.
Zodiac cruised through numerous blocks of ice and stopped. O God!!! I uttered in disbelief when I gazed at the sculpted beauty of magnificent iceberg. Unparalleled. Never saw or dreamt of something like that. A masterpiece testimony of blissful Antarctic beauty. Obsessive clicking. Everyone wanted to capture the grand piece of art. To my delight. I had my perfect shot. And happiest now by immortalizing the divine beauty through my story.
Zodiac cruised through blue icebergs and lot more to capture. Blue ice appears when snow is compressed on glacier squeezing out air bubbles and increasing the density of ice. This blue tinge turns icebergs look more appealing.
Every bit of Antarctic landscape made me crave for more. Carved sea shore with rocky mountains in backdrop. Then the magnitude of icebergs. And the floating ice blocks. All created to perfection. Spent around one & half hours in cruising and appreciating virgin feel of Antarctica. Moreover, zodiac cruising in itself was fun.

Now it was time to return to ship and grab delicious lunch. Food served on board was excellent. Me being vegetarian, initially I thought may be I will not have the luxury of variety in food. But in past three days I had experienced great food. Never had I tasted so many exotic continental dishes in vegetarian meal. And most surprising part was that no dish was repeated and all pleased my palate.
Morning steps followed for disinfecting boots before entering ship. And swapping of card for head count that I was back.
I quickly took off my safety vest, rubber boots, heavy jacket in my cabin and rushed to dining hall as felt hungry.
As I entered I saw hall full to capacity, unlike past two days when sea sickness gripped many and dining hall remained partially empty. Every face was beaming. Beauty of Antarctica had captivated all.
Oh my gosh.. I never expected to stumble on a post like that. I feel like whatever I write, it won’t be enough.. but it’s just so stunning, incredible, out-of-this-universe amazing. Thank you for sharing your photos!
Thank you so much for your kind words.
This looks incredible. Literally can’t imagine what it must be like. Very jealous!
Thank you Alan.
Wow! This experience must have been so surreal. The glaciers and especially the blue ice looks stunning.
Absolutely surreal Puja.
Wow! Antarctica is such an incredible destination! The landscape is such a marvelous sight to witness. Thank you so much for sharing the photos to us. I hope i could visit it one day
Thanks you. My pleasure in sharing my experiences with you all.